
Homeowner Spotlight: Century Home to Greenstone Home

September 22, 2020

Being the 6th generation to live on the Sprenger family farm, Mack Sprenger and his fiancée Julie Northam had a lot of history to draw from after living in a 130-year-old farmhouse. These century homes have little to no insulation and with aging building materials, structural integrity begins to be a major concern over time. This particular farmhouse was on its last legs when Mack and Julie moved in. Being a young couple, they knew they wanted to invest in their future, so plans were started to build something new!

The future Sprenger’s wanted to build something comfortable, energy efficient, structurally sound and durable that would last many more generations. They didn’t want the risk of dealing with climbing energy costs, so the decision to invest in an energy efficient building envelope was an easy choice.

Other key considerations during the planning of their dream home were health concerns. Building an airtight home was important to Mack as he deals with seasonal allergies. Being able to control the air coming in and out of the home allows for adequate filtration, keeping the indoor air quality much higher.

Through advice from a close friend, Mack and Julie decided to build their new home with Greenstone’s ICE Panels. With a consistent R-value and fair market price, ICE Panels have allowed the Sprenger’s to  build a comfortable, energy efficient home, within their budget.

“The Greenstone ICE Panel has achieved the energy efficiency and airtightness requirements to our satisfaction”.

New construction projects are a big undertaking, especially working with a new building product that most builders are still getting acquainted with. As a homeowner contracting his own home and learning to build with a new product, Sprenger faced some challenges during construction.

Sprenger noted that there were ups and downs throughout the project as a first-time home builder but stated that Greenstone is “taking the right steps” as the company grows to ensure their customers walk away with a positive experience. Greenstone takes pride in their ability to simplify the construction process for their customers whether they are seasoned carpenters or first-time home builders, but as with any project, complications can occur.

Working through issues with your product supplier is key. We appreciated Mack and Julie coming to us with their issues and working with us to create solutions. As a new company, and new building product, it is vital that we hear the positive and not-so-positive feedback so that we can work towards better systems and solutions to grow as a company, and to serve our customers even better as our company grows.

As the project has ended, and they are now living in their colorful, newly finished home, Mack is happy with the results and their building envelope’s performance. “The Greenstone ICE Panel has achieved the energy efficiency and airtightness requirements to our satisfaction”.

If you are looking to find out more about the ICE Panel, and how you can get your project started, connect with our sales team at

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